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Saturday, February 15, 2025

50th Anniversary of Freefall Commemorative Jump

50th Anniversary of Freefall Commemorative Jump
Sunday, June 1, 1969

The U.S. Parachute Association sponsored the 50-year anniversary parachute exhibition on April 27, 1969 at McCook Field (now Kettering Park), Dayton, Ohio.

Article rating: No rating

An Open Letter to the Membership

An Open Letter to the Membership
Thursday, May 1, 1969

As you all know there is a glaring need for a nation-wide system of qualified parachute instructors. I will not beat the bushes about the fact of life that most accidents are rooted in poor or inadequate training. The USPA Safety and Train­ing Committee has been working on the development of a Jumpmaster/Instructor system for several years, and is at this time proposing such a system be incorporated into the oper­ation of the USPA.

Article rating: No rating

50 Years of Freefall

50 Years of Freefall
Tuesday, April 1, 1969

The Golden Anniversary of freefall parachuting will be April 28 of this year, a hallmark in aviation’s short and often turbulent history. Fifty years ago one man became the harbinger of today’s advanced and sophisticated “skydiving” techniques, one jump changed the role of the parachute and those who were to use them. That momentous day was April 28, 1919 and the man was Leslie L. Irvin, truly one of aviation’s great figures.

Article rating: 5.0

Development of the Rogallo Flexible Wing

Development of the Rogallo Flexible Wing
Sunday, December 1, 1968

Francis Rogallo, who had the original idea of using the “ wing” as a device to not only lower an object safely to earth but to allow man the ability to “ fly” longer between deployment and ground impact, has been working with this pro­ject since 1945. 

Article rating: No rating

Bob Buquor Memorial Star Crest

Bob Buquor Memorial Star Crest
Sunday, December 1, 1968

The Star Crest Emblem (eight-man star patch) stems from an idea that came to mind last year for the promotion of rela­tive work on a more refined scale and to commemorate the efforts of the late Bob Buquor who played a major role in the origin of star formation relative work.

Article rating: 2.0

USPA      5401 Southpoint Centre Blvd., Fredericksburg, VA, 22407     (540) 604-9740    M-F 9am-5pm Eastern    (540) 604-9741     uspa@uspa.org

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