United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT H Glance

Category H

Category at a Glance   |   Academics   |   Dive Flows   |   Quiz

Category at a Glance

Advancement Criteria

Exit and Freefall
  • two dive and docks with minimum assistance
  • break off at the planned altitude without prompting
  • track 100 feet within ten degrees of the planned heading
  • two cumulative 90-degree front-riser turns
  • two cumulative 180-degree front-riser turns
  • total of five unassisted landings within 65 feet of the target (A-license requirement)


  • disassemble, perform owner maintenance, and reassemble three-ring release system
  • remove and replace or adjust a main container closing loop


oral quiz


A-License check dive


Book Stuff