United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT G Intro

Category G

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  • four jumps


  • 3,500 feet

Freefall skills in Category G address group skydiving maneuvers. They are outlined here for the discipline of formation skydiving (flat, or belly flying) but can be performed in other orientations with a USPA Coach knowledgeable in those techniques. The same performance and advancement criteria for maneuvering, docking, breakoff, and gaining separation for a safe opening apply, however.

In Category G, you’ll review more in depth the procedures for avoiding and responding to canopy collisions, always more of a risk in group jumping. By now, you should be looking for traffic and steering with rear risers before releasing your brakes.

After opening, you’ll explore the performance envelope of the ram-air canopy to prevent surprises near the ground. Practice includes maximum-performance turns, reverse turns, and keeping the wing in balance during performance maneuvers to avoid a line twist. You’ll learn to feel the turn.

You’ll take another look at avoiding tree landings and what to do in case one is inevitable.

By now, you should be packing with minimal assistance, but USPA recommends supervision until your A license. Along with practicing packing, you’ll learn how to inspect the equipment for wear and how to prevent it. Before advancing, you should understand the responsibilities of the FAA rigger, who maintains most items.

All skydivers need to respect the power of various kinds of weather, which begins with understanding basic weather patterns and reading the danger signals. A pilot or instructor advises you on practical ways to predict the kind of weather that could compromise your safety.