United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT G Glance

Category G

Category at a Glance   |   Academics   |   Dive Flows   |   Quiz


Category at a Glance

Advancement Criteria

Exit and Freefall
  • two redocks from ten feet without assistance
  • two redocks requiring an adjustment in fall rate
  • break off at the planned altitude without prompting
  • track 50 feet within ten degrees of the planned heading
  • four maximum-performance reverse canopy turns
  • two unassisted landings within 65 feet of the target (jumps from previous categories count toward accuracy requirements)


  • one complete pack job without assistance


Spotting and Aircraft
  • spot the aircraft, including all procedures, without assistance


oral quiz

Book Stuff

  • read and discuss USPA recommendations for tree landings (SIM Section5-1.F)
  • read and discuss USPA recommendations to experienced jumpers for automatic activation devices and reserve static lines (SIM Sections 5-3.F and G.)
  • read and discuss USPA recommendations for canopy collisions (SIM Section 5-1.H)
  • read and discuss USPA recommendations regarding weather (SIM Section 5-5)
  • read and discuss USPA recommendations on group freefall skydiving, SIM Section 6-1
  • read and discuss additional USPA recommendations on breakoffs for freeflying groups in SIM Section 6-2.E.5
  • read and discuss FAR 65.125 through .133 (performance standards for parachute rigger privileges, record keeping, and seal requirements)
  • read and discuss FAA regulations for packing main and reserve parachutes (FAR 105.43.a and .b)
  • read and discuss FAA regulations for maintaining automatic activation devices (FAR 105.43.c)