United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT G Dive Flows

Category G

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CAT G dive flows


play video Dive Plan #1: Forward Movement to Dock

  • Coach observes spot.
  • Front floater exit position (outside strut) until successful.
  • Initiate count after coach OK.
  • Face the direction of flight until stable (two to three seconds).
  • Coach moves into position and docks.
  • Check altitude and nod.
  • Coach backs up five feet and adjusts levels as necessary.
  • Move forward and take grips.
  • Altitude check every five seconds or after each maneuver, whichever comes first.
  • Coach backs up ten feet; move forward and take grips.
  • Altitude check every five seconds or after each maneuver, whichever comes first.
  • Repeat until breakoff.
  • Initiate break-off at 5,500 feet and turn to track.
  • Coach remains in place and evaluates track.
  • Wave off and pull by 3,500 feet.

play video Dive Plan #2: Down and Up

  • Coach observes spot.
  • Rear floater exit position (inside strut) until successful.
  • Initiate count after coach OK.
  • Face direction of flight until stable.
  • Turn to face coach.
  • Coach moves into position and docks.
  • Check altitude and nod.
  • Coach backs up five feet and increases fall rate.
  • Remain in position and match coach’s fall rate.
  • Altitude check every five seconds or after each maneuver, whichever comes first.
  • Coach slows fall rate.
  • Remain in position and match coach.
  • Repeat until response is quick and accurate.
  • Break off at 5,500 feet.
  • Coach remains in place and evaluates track.
  • Wave off and pull by 3,500 feet.

play video Dive Plan #3: Docking with Problems

  • Coach observes spot.
  • Review either floater position.
  • Initiate count after coach OK.
  • Face direction of flight until stable.
  • Turn to face coach.
  • Coach moves into position and docks.
  • Check altitude and nod.
  • Coach backs up ten feet and changes fall rate.
  • Match coach’s fall rate to level and dock.
  • Altitude check every five seconds or after each maneuver, whichever comes first.
  • Repeat until response is quick and accurate.
  • Break off at 5,500 feet.
  • Coach remains in place and evaluates track.
  • Wave off and pull by 3,500 feet.
  • Owner inspection-of-equipment briefing by FAA rigger
  • Pack without assistance
  • play video Check altitude, position, and traffic.
  • Make a sharp, balanced 90-degree turn.
  • Reverse the toggle position aggressively and make a balanced 180-degree turn.
  • Check altitude, position, and traffic.
  • Repeat to no lower than 2,500 feet, in case of line twist.
  • Coach measures the student’s landing distance from a planned target.