United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT F Intro

Category F

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  • two tracking jumps


  • two clear-and-pulls


  • 4,000 feet

Tracking is a basic group skydiving skill that enables jumpers to gain sufficient freefall separation for a safe opening. It is such an important skill that the freefall training in this category is devoted entirely to tracking techniques.

To begin, while supervising yourself in freefall, you practice the basics of the delta position, the first step toward a flat track. The USPA Coach will evaluate and refine your tracking skills as part of the jumps in Categories G and H. Tracking evaluation is also part of the A-license check dive with the USPA Instructor.

Flying the canopy slowly and performing flat, altitude-conserving turns is an important skill that can help you out of a difficult landing approach in a tight area.

You’ll learn more about how to handle aircraft emergency exit procedures independently. Emergency review includes power line recognition, avoidance, and landing procedures. During this category, former AFF students should make a practice clear and pull from 5,500 feet, followed by a clear-and-pull jump from 3,500 feet, as required for the A license.

By now, you’re ready to learn how to pack and should begin working with a packing instructor.

The staff continues to build your understanding of aircraft procedures on jump run with emphasis on separation between groups exiting on the same pass. You also learn the specific procedures for coordinating with the pilot or jumpmaster in the event of an aircraft emergency.