United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT D Glance

Category D

Category at a Glance   |   Academics   |   Dive Flows   |   Quiz   |   Reading— Learning Spotting

Category at a Glance

Advancement Criteria

Exit and Freefall

AFF Students

  • stability within five seconds after an unassisted poised exit

All Students

  • cumulative four 90-degree turns, 20-degree tolerance
  • cumulative two 180-degree and two 360-degree turns, 45-degree tolerance
  • cumulative two 90-degree rear riser turns with brakes set
  • cumulative two 90-degree rear riser turns with brakes released
  • one 180-degree rear riser turn, and one 360-degree rear riser turn with brakes released
  • two rear riser flares above 2,000 feet
  • landing within 165 feet of the target with minimal assistance


  • operate the AAD


Spotting and Aircraft
  • recognize and observe the airport and the spot from the aircraft door during jump run


oral quiz

Book Stuff