United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT C Dive Flows

Category C

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CAT C dive flows


play C1


play C2 AFF

  • Exit in a relaxed arch.
  • Circle of Awareness.
  • Practice deployment(s) until smooth and without assistance.
  • Circle of Awareness.
  • Instructor(s) release grips as situation allows.
  • Altitude, arch, legs, relax.
  • Instructor(s) make sure of student control by 6,000 feet or regrip through deployment.
  • Wave-off at 5,500 feet and deploy by 4,000 feet.

IAD AND STATIC LINE Dive Plan #1: Clear and Pull

  • Exit on command with legs extended.
  • Initiate deployment sequence as practiced on prior jumps, regardless of stability.
  • Check canopy.

IAD AND STATIC LINE Dive Plan #2: Ten-Second Freefall (two jumps)

  • Exit with legs extended.
  • Relax into neutral.
  • Maintain count to ten by thousands while checking altimeter.
  • Wave-off at seven seconds or 4,500 feet and initiate deployment by ten seconds or 4,000 feet, regardless of stability.
  • play video Release brakes and address any routine opening problems.
  • Look left, turn left.
  • Look right, turn right.
  • Flare.
  • Check altitude, position, and traffic.
  • Find the landing area and pattern entry point.
  • Divide the flight path by thousands of feet.
  • Identify suspect areas of turbulence.
  • Verify landing pattern and adjust as necessary.
  • Steer over correct portion of flight path until 1,000 feet.
  • Follow planned pattern over landing area or alternate.
  • Flare to land and PLF.
Instructor Notes

Following release by their AFF Instructors, AFF students who have not received turn training in Category B may encounter heading drift. These students should be taught to recognize a heading change, consider it acceptable, and to correct it using the “altitude, arch, legs, relax” procedure.

Students who were taught turn technique in Category B may add “correct turn” at the end of that sequence, placing emphasis on the other four, more important points. Relaxed stability must first be established for proper, relaxed control.

The instructor should advance students only according to the recommended progression during the rudimentary skills training in Categories A-D. Repetition of fewer basic skills improves success later.