United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT A Dive Flows

Category A

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Dive Flows


play video AFF

  • Exit in a relaxed arch
  • Instructors release arm grips
  • Circle of Awareness
  • Three practice deployments
  • Circle of Awareness
  • Altitude, arch, legs, relax
  • Begin wave off at 5,500 feet
  • Pull by 4,500 feet


  • Check deployment device prior to climb-out
  • Climb out
  • Exit on command with legs extended
  • Count aloud to five by thousands
  • Check canopy


  • Exit with arms in safety position
  • On instructor’s signal, relax into neutral arch
  • Check altitude
  • Three practice deployments
  • Altitude, arch, legs, relax
  • Begin wave off by 6,000 feet
  • Pull by 5,500 feet
  • play video (also used for tandem students training to meet Category A objectives)
  • Release brakes and fix routine opening problems
  • Look left, turn left
  • Look right, turn right
  • Flare
  • Check altitude, position, and traffic
  • Locate holding area, pattern "checkpoints," and target
  • Remain in holding area until 1,000 feet
  • Follow pre-assigned pattern over landing area
  • Flare to land and PLF (solo students)
Instructor Notes
  • Budget training time to cover only the most important topics.
  • To reduce student workload and training effort, employ staff support as much as possible, including assistance after landing.
  • The instructor is responsible for putting the student’s equipment on, adjusting it, and performing all equipment checks; students make sure checks are performed.
  • The instructor closely supervises the student when approaching, boarding, and being seated in the aircraft, including providing instruction on seat belt use during seating.
  • The instructor directs the student on the correct action in the event of any aircraft emergency (except in the event of the student’s parachute deploying out the door).