United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > ISP 4-3

4-3 An Introduction

A. Recommendation

USPA recommends that skydivers complete training in the Integrated Student Program (ISP), an effective means of preparing a student for the USPA A license.

B. What is the ISP?

  1. USPA developed the ISP as a comprehensive training outline that meets the USPA Basic Safety Requirements (BSRs) for student training in all training methods.
    1. Some schools have developed equivalent programs that train the student to meet all the qualifications of the USPA A license.
    2. A prospective student should be able to ask a school to compare its program against this industry standard program.
  2. USPA recognizes the following training methods, or disciplines:
    1. USPA Accelerated Freefall (AFF or harness hold), where the student exits with two instructors who hold the student by the parachute harness for guidance and observation.
    2. Instructor-Assisted Deployment (IAD) and Static Line, the same method using different equipment during the initial jumps
      1. pilot chute deployed by the instructor as the student exits (instructor-assisted deployment)
      2. deployment via a static attachment to the aircraft that separates once the parachute deploys (static line)
    3. Tandem, where the student’s harness is attached to the front of the instructor’s harness as part of a specially designed and built parachute system for tandem skydiving
    4. vertical wind tunnel training, where a student receives instruction and practices basic freefall control and maneuvering
  3. As ISP students progress, those training in one method demonstrate an equivalent level of knowledge and skill as ISP students trained in other methods.

C. Choosing a school

  1. Many regions are served by more than one skydiving center, so shop around.
  2. Ask questions (personal observation is even better) about the types of training offered, the type of equipment used, staff qualifications, etc.
  3. USPA maintains a list of current Group Member drop zones on the USPA website, uspa.org.

D. What to expect

  1. Registration
    1. Upon arrival at the jump center, register with the skydiving school.
    2. All jumpers will be required to fill out a registration form which will usually ask for name, address, age, height, weight, occupation and the name, address, phone number, and relationship of someone to contact in case of emergency.
  2. Liability release
    1. Each participant will also be required to agree to and sign a liability release.
    2. This release will verify that the person understands that there is risk involved in skydiving and that the participant freely agrees to accept that risk.
    3. The legal release will usually contain a contract or covenant by which the participant agrees not to sue the skydiving school or anyone else if the participant is injured.
  3. All participants in skydiving must meet the USPA BSRs for medical fitness.
    1. A person should be in good health and physical condition to skydive and should not be on medication; however, some conditions can be properly managed if the instructor knows about them.
    2. An FAA flight physical or a doctor’s statement of fitness for skydiving may be required in some cases.
    3. The instructor also needs to know about any recent donations of blood.
    4. People who participate in SCUBA diving should not fly for at least 24 hours afterward.
    5. Refer to faa.gov/pilots/medical/ for more information on medical fitness for flight.
      USPA Statement of Medical Fitness "I represent and warrant that I have no known physical or mental infirmities that would impair my ability to participate in skydiving, or if I do have any such infirmities, that they have been or are being successfully treated so that they do not represent any foreseeable risk while skydiving."
      "I also represent and warrant that I am not taking any medications or substances, prescription, or otherwise, that would impair my ability to participate in skydiving."
  4. All participants in skydiving must meet the BSRs for age.
  5. Upon completion of ground school and before the first jump, students should be required to pass written, oral, and practical tests.

E. Student equipment

  1. Students are provided with additional safety devices not usually found on equipment used by non-students.
  2. Special requirements for student parachute systems are listed in the BSRs.
    1. From the start, a student should be taught to be self-reliant and to respond quickly to emergency situations.
    2. Safety devices and features should be designed as emergency overrides or backups only, in the event that the student does not properly perform emergency procedures.
    3. Students should never use these features as a substitute for proper training and supervision
    4. Emergency back-ups give confidence to the student and peace of mind to the instructor.
  3. Student equipment should be well maintained.
  4. Standardization
    1. Changes in type of equipment and procedures should be avoided or minimized whenever possible during student training.
    2. When changes are made, adequate transition training must be provided in compliance with the BSRs.
    3. Foresight should be used to minimize the need to change emergency procedures as a student progresses.
  5. Canopies used for students should be large, docile, and appropriate for the student’s weight.

F. Training priorities

  1. The most important skill a skydiver must develop is the ability to cope with and respond to emergency situations. A student should review emergency procedures at the beginning of every jump day. The review must cover emergency procedures for these areas:
    1. equipment
    2. aircraft
    3. freefall
    4. deployment
    5. canopy
    6. landing
  2. Development of these skills should start with the first jump rather than at a point where supervision of jumping activities is reduced.
  3. Initial training, even if the student intends to make only one jump, should be designed to establish a foundation for the continuing growth and development of skills.