United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Section 9 Part 65

Section 9: FAA Documents


9-1 Federal Aviation Regulations


PART 65—Certification: Airmen Other Than Flight Crewmembers

Sec. 65.1: Applicability copy link

This part prescribes the requirements for issuing the following certificates and associated ratings and the general operating rules for the holders of those certificates and ratings:

  1. Air-traffic control-tower operators.
  2. Aircraft dispatchers.
  3. Mechanics.
  4. Repairmen.
  5. Parachute riggers.
Sec. 65.11: Application and issue copy link
  1. Application for a certificate and appropriate class rating, or for an additional rating, under this part must be made on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator. Each person who applies for airmen certification services to be administered outside the United States or for any certificate or rating issued under this part must show evidence that the fee prescribed in appendix A of part 187 of this chapter has been paid.
  2. An applicant who meets the requirements of this part is entitled to an appropriate certificate and rating.
  3. Unless authorized by the Administrator, a person whose air traffic control tower operator, mechanic, or parachute rigger certificate is suspended may not apply for any rating to be added to that certificate during the period of suspension.
  4. Unless the order of revocation provides otherwise—
    1. A person whose air traffic control tower operator, aircraft dispatcher, or parachute rigger certificate is revoked may not apply for the same kind of certificate for 1 year after the date of revocation; and
    2. A person whose mechanic or repairman certificate is revoked may not apply for either of those kinds of certificates for 1 year after the date of revocation.
Sec. 65.12: Offenses involving alcohol or drugs copy link
  1. A conviction for the violation of any Federal or state statute relating to the growing, processing, manufacture, sale, disposition, possession, transportation, or importation of narcotic drugs, marihuana, or depressant or stimulant drugs or substances is grounds for—
    1. Denial of an application for any certificate or rating issued under this part for a period of up to 1 year after the date of final conviction; or
    2. Suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating issued under this part.
  2. The commission of an act prohibited by § 91.19(a) of this chapter is grounds for—
    1. Denial of an application for a certificate or rating issued under this part for a period of up to 1 year after the date of that act; or
    2. Suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating issued under this part.
Sec. 65.15: Duration of certificates copy link
  1. Except for repairman certificates, a certificate or rating issued under this part is effective until it is surrendered, suspended, or revoked.
  2. Unless it is sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, a repairman certificate is effective until the holder is relieved from the duties for which the holder was employed and certificated.
  3. The holder of a certificate issued under this part that is suspended, revoked, or no longer effective shall return it to the Administrator.
  4. Except for temporary certificates issued under § 65.13, the holder of a paper certificate issued under this part may not exercise the privileges of that certificate after March 31, 2013.
Sec. 65.16: Change of name: Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate copy link
  1. An application for a change of name on a certificate issued under this part must be accompanied by the applicant’s current certificate and the marriage license, court order, or other document verifying the change. The documents are returned to the applicant after inspection.
  2. An application for a replacement of a lost or destroyed certificate is made by letter to the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Certification Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125. The letter must—
    1. Contain the name in which the certificate was issued, the permanent mailing address (including zip code), social security number (if any), and date and place of birth of the certificate holder, and any available information regarding the grade, number, and date of issue of the certificate, and the ratings on it; and
    2. Be accompanied by a check or money order for $2, payable to the Federal Aviation Administration.
  3. An application for a replacement of a lost or destroyed medical certificate is made by letter to the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Aerospace Medical Certification Division, Post Office Box 26200, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, accompanied by a check or money order for $2.00.
  4. A person whose certificate issued under this part or medical certificate, or both, has been lost may obtain a telegram from the FAA confirming that it was issued. The telegram may be carried as a certificate for a period not to exceed 60 days pending his receiving a duplicate certificate under paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, unless he has been notified that the certificate has been suspended or revoked. The request for such a telegram may be made by prepaid telegram, stating the date upon which a duplicate certificate was requested, or including the request for a duplicate and a money order for the necessary amount. The request for a telegraphic certificate should be sent to the office prescribed in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, as appropriate. However, a request for both at the same time should be sent to the office prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section.
Sec. 65.17: Tests: General procedure copy link
  1. Tests prescribed by or under this part are given at times and places, and by persons, designated by the Administrator.
  2. The minimum passing grade for each test is 70 percent.
Sec. 65.18: Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct copy link
  1. Except as authorized by the Administrator, no person may—
    1. Copy, or intentionally remove, a written test under this part;
    2. Give to another, or receive from another, any part or copy of that test;
    3. Give help on that test to, or receive help on that test from, any person during the period that test is being given;
    4. Take any part of that test in behalf of another person;
    5. Use any material or aid during the period that test is being given; or
    6. Intentionally cause, assist, or participate in any act prohibited by this paragraph.
  2. No person who commits an act prohibited by paragraph (a) of this section is eligible for any airman or ground instructor certificate or rating under this chapter for a period of 1 year after the date of that act. In addition, the commission of that act is a basis for suspending or revoking any airman or ground instructor certificate or rating held by that person.
Sec. 65.19: Retesting after failure copy link

An applicant for a written, oral, or practical test for a certificate and rating, or for an additional rating under this part, may apply for retesting—

  1. After 30 days after the date the applicant failed the test; or
  2. Before the 30 days have expired if the applicant presents a signed statement from an airman holding the certificate and rating sought by the applicant, certifying that the airman has given the applicant additional instruction in each of the subjects failed and that the airman considers the applicant ready for retesting.
Sec. 65.20: Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration copy link
  1. No person may make or cause to be made—
    1. Any fraudulent or intentionally false statement on any application for a certificate or rating under this part;
    2. Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any logbook, record, or report that is required to be kept, made, or used, to show compliance with any requirement for any certificate or rating under this part;
    3. Any reproduction, for fraudulent purpose, of any certificate or rating under this part; or
    4. Any alteration of any certificate or rating under this part.
  2. The commission by any person of an act prohibited under paragraph (a) of this section is a basis for suspending or revoking any airman or ground instructor certificate or rating held by that person.
Sec. 65.21: Change of address copy link

Within 30 days after any change in his permanent mailing address, the holder of a certificate issued under this part shall notify the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Certification Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125, in writing, of his new address.

Sec. 65.111: Certificate required copy link
  1. No person may pack, maintain, or alter any personnel-carrying parachute intended for emergency use in connection with civil aircraft of the United States (including the reserve parachute of a dual parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping) unless that person holds an appropriate current certificate and type rating issued under this subpart and complies with §§ 65.127 through 65.133.
  2. No person may pack any main parachute of a dual-parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping in connection with civil aircraft of the United States unless that person—
    1. Has an appropriate current certificate issued under this subpart;
    2. Is under the supervision of a current certificated parachute rigger;
    3. Is the person making the next parachute jump with that parachute in accordance with § 105.43(a) of this chapter; or
    4. Is the parachutist in command making the next parachute jump with that parachute in a tandem parachute operation conducted under § 105.45(b)(1) of this chapter.
  3. No person may maintain or alter any main parachute of a dual-parachute system to be used for intentional parachute jumping in connection with civil aircraft of the United States unless that person—
    1. Has an appropriate current certificate issued under this subpart; or
    2. Is under the supervision of a current certificated parachute rigger;
  4. Each person who holds a parachute rigger certificate shall present it for inspection upon the request of the Administrator or an authorized representative of the National Transportation Safety Board, or of any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer.
  5. The following parachute rigger certificates are issued under this part:
    1. Senior parachute rigger.
    2. Master parachute rigger.
  6. Sections 65.127 through 65.133 do not apply to parachutes packed, maintained, or altered for the use of the armed forces.
Sec. 65.113: Eligibility requirements: General copy link
  1. To be eligible for a parachute rigger certificate, a person must—
    1. Be at least 18 years of age;
    2. Be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language, or, in the case of a citizen of Puerto Rico, or a person who is employed outside of the United States by a U.S. air carrier, and who does not meet this requirement, be issued a certificate that is valid only in Puerto Rico or while he is employed outside of the United States by that air carrier, as the case may be; and
    3. Comply with the sections of this subpart that apply to the certificate and type rating he seeks.
  2. Except for a master parachute rigger certificate, a parachute rigger certificate that was issued before, and was valid on, October 31, 1962, is equal to a senior parachute rigger certificate, and may be exchanged for such a corresponding certificate.
Sec. 65.115 Senior parachute rigger certificate: Experience, knowledge, and skill requirements copy link

Except as provided in § 65.117, an applicant for a senior parachute rigger certificate must—

  1. Present evidence satisfactory to the Administrator that he has packed at least 20 parachutes of each type for which he seeks a rating, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and under the supervision of a certificated parachute rigger holding a rating for that type or a person holding an appropriate military rating;
  2. Pass a written test, with respect to parachutes in common use, on—
    1. Their construction, packing, and maintenance;
    2. The manufacturer’s instructions;
    3. The regulations of this subpart; and
  3. Pass an oral and practical test showing his ability to pack and maintain at least one type of parachute in common use, appropriate to the type rating he seeks.
Sec. 65.117: Military riggers or former military riggers: Special certification rule copy link

In place of the procedure in § 65.115, an applicant for a senior parachute rigger certificate is entitled to it if he passes a written test on the regulations of this subpart and presents satisfactory documentary evidence that he—

  1. Is a member or civilian employee of an Armed Force of the United States, is a civilian employee of a regular armed force of a foreign country, or has, within the 12 months before he applies, been honorably discharged or released from any status covered by this paragraph;
  2. Is serving, or has served within the 12 months before he applies, as a parachute rigger for such an Armed Force; and
  3. Has the experience required by § 65.115(a).
Sec. 65.119: Master parachute rigger certificate: Experience, knowledge, and skill requirements copy link

An applicant for a master parachute rigger certificate must meet the following requirements:

  1. Present evidence satisfactory to the Administrator that he has had at least 3 years of experience as a parachute rigger and has satisfactorily packed at least 100 parachutes of each of two types in common use, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions—
    1. While a certificated and appropriately rated senior parachute rigger; or
    2. While under the supervision of a certificated and appropriately rated parachute rigger or a person holding appropriate military ratings.

An applicant may combine experience specified in paragraphs

  1. (1) and (2) of this section to meet the requirements of this paragraph.
  2. If the applicant is not the holder of a senior parachute rigger certificate, pass a written test, with respect to parachutes in common use, on—
    1. Their construction, packing, and maintenance;
    2. The manufacturer’s instructions; and
    3. The regulations of this subpart.
  3. Pass an oral and practical test showing his ability to pack and maintain two types of parachutes in common use, appropriate to the type ratings he seeks.
Sec. 65.121: Type ratings copy link
  1. The following type ratings are issued under this subpart:
    1. Seat
    2. Back
    3. Chest
    4. Lap
  2. The holder of a senior parachute rigger certificate who qualifies for a master parachute rigger certificate is entitled to have placed on his master parachute rigger certificate the ratings that were on his senior parachute rigger certificate.
Sec. 65.123: Additional type ratings: Requirements copy link

A certificated parachute rigger who applies for an additional type rating must—

  1. Present evidence satisfactory to the Administrator that he has packed at least 20 parachutes of the type for which he seeks a rating, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and under the supervision of a certificated parachute rigger holding a rating for that type or a person holding an appropriate military rating; and
  2. Pass a practical test, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, showing his ability to pack and maintain the type of parachute for which he seeks a rating.
Sec. 65.125: Certificates: Privileges copy link
  1. A certificated senior parachute rigger may—
    1. Pack or maintain (except for major repair) any type of parachute for which he is rated; and
    2. Supervise other persons in packing any type of parachute for which that person is rated in accordance with § 105.43(a) or § 105.45(b)(1) of this chapter.
  2. A certificated master parachute rigger may—
    1. Pack, maintain, or alter any type of parachute for which he is rated; and
    2. Supervise other persons in packing, maintaining, or altering any type of parachute for which the certificated parachute rigger is rated in accordance with § 105.43(a) or § 105.45(b)(1) of this chapter.
  3. A certificated parachute rigger need not comply with §§ 65.127 through 65.133 (relating to facilities, equipment, performance standards, records, recent experience, and seal) in packing, maintaining, or altering (if authorized) the main parachute of a dual parachute pack to be used for intentional jumping.
Sec. 65.127: Facilities and equipment copy link

No certificated parachute rigger may exercise the privileges of his certificate unless he has at least the following facilities and equipment available to him:

  1. A smooth top table at least three feet wide by 40 feet long
  2. Suitable housing that is adequately heated, lighted, and ventilated for drying and airing parachutes
  3. Enough packing tools and other equipment to pack and maintain the types of parachutes that he services
  4. Adequate housing facilities to perform his duties and to protect his tools and equipment
Sec. 65.129 Performance standards copy link

No certificated parachute rigger may—

  1. Pack, maintain, or alter any parachute unless he is rated for that type;
  2. Pack a parachute that is not safe for emergency use;
  3. Pack a parachute that has not been thoroughly dried and aired;
  4. Alter a parachute in a manner that is not specifically authorized by the Administrator or the manufacturer;
  5. Pack, maintain, or alter a parachute in any manner that deviates from procedures approved by the Administrator or the manufacturer of the parachute; or
  6. Exercise the privileges of his certificate and type rating unless he understands the current manufacturer’s instructions for the operation involved and has—
    1. Performed duties under his certificate for at least 90 days within the preceding 12 months; or
    2. Shown the Administrator that he is able to perform those duties.
Sec. 65.131: Records copy link
  1. Each certificated parachute rigger shall keep a record of the packing, maintenance, and alteration of parachutes performed or supervised by him. He shall keep in that record, with respect to each parachute worked on, a statement of—
    1. Its type and make;
    2. Its serial number;
    3. The name and address of its owner;
    4. The kind and extent of the work performed;
    5. The date when and place where the work was performed; and
    6. The results of any drop tests made with it.
  2. Each person who makes a record under paragraph (a) of this section shall keep it for at least 2 years after the date it is made.
  3. Each certificated parachute rigger who packs a parachute shall write, on the parachute packing record attached to the parachute, the date and place of the packing and a notation of any defects he finds on inspection. He shall sign that record with his name and the number of his certificate.
Sec. 65.133: Seal copy link

Each certificated parachute rigger must have a seal with an identifying mark prescribed by the Administrator, and a seal press. After packing a parachute he shall seal the pack with his seal in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation for that type of parachute.