Fatalities and other significant
incidents are an unfortunate part of
skydiving that must be addressed.
Skydivers learn essential lessons from
the mistakes of others. USPA members
should take it upon themselves to fill
out an incident report when it meets
any of the conditions in A.3 of this
section, but when appropriate the
S&TA can act as an impartial
investigator for any incident.
To create an accurate account, USPA
needs everyone to gather information
about incidents and report them to
USPA. When an event requires several
reports, including witness accounts
and/or the personal observations of
the investigator, the efforts should be
coordinated through the local S&TA.
USPA keeps reports confidential by
following the procedures included in
this section. The integrity and
effectiveness of the reporting system
rely on each USPA official following
USPA's procedures precisely as