A. Introduction and Purpose
USPA pursues a canopy education strategy in coordination with drop zone instructional staff, expert canopy pilots, advanced canopy training schools, and canopy manufacturers. Basic but comprehensive canopy-flight training starts in the USPA Integrated Student Program leading to the A license. Yet, the canopy designs and flying techniques that jumpers often choose to use as they progress in the sport require training beyond what skydiving students receive. This section serves as a bridge between your basic license training and your future goals, whatever they may be.
Analysis of incident reports indicates that jumpers are at risk without continued canopy training at each license level and throughout their skydiving careers. Even canopies considered lightly loaded can be dangerous if jumpers are not properly trained to fly them. Jumpers who have progressed without continued training are largely unprepared for how to handle their canopy in difficult canopy flight and landing situations. Preparation for unusual canopy flight and landing emergencies is key to reducing canopy pilot mistakes, injuries, and fatalities.
USPA encourages all jumpers to take canopy-piloting training courses to refine canopy skills, especially as they downsize to smaller canopies with increased wing loadings and performance characteristics.
B. Hazards Associated with Canopy Piloting
Some of the maneuvers described to develop understanding of canopy flight involve a greater risk of injury, even serious injury or death, than a routine parachute landing using a straight-in approach flown at the canopy’s natural speed until flaring. Any pilot who manipulates the canopy controls to induce additional speed prior to landing presents a greater hazard to themselves and others. Before jumping begins, the canopy coach, instructor or course director should require each participant to complete an assumption-of-risk agreement in conjunction with a comprehensive liability-risk-management program applied in accordance with applicable local and state laws.
C. Definitions and Procedures
A jumper chooses the correct canopy for their experience level based on canopy performance, which is significantly influenced by wing loading and design. A canopy designed for more performance may exhibit relatively docile characteristics when it’s loaded lightly and flown conservatively. A canopy designed for docile performance that is flown aggressively at a higher wing loading can exhibit high-performance characteristics.
Novice canopy flyers can make errors on larger, docile canopies without getting hurt that on smaller, more heavily loaded canopies could have serious consequences. All canopies can be deemed high performance depending on the wing loading. High performance generally refers to canopies loaded as follows:
- above 230 square feet, 1.1 pounds or more per square foot
- from 190 to 229 square feet, 1.0 pound or more per square foot
- from 150 to 189 square feet, .9 pound or more per square foot
- canopies smaller than 150 square feet at any wing loading
Canopy Design
Typical characteristics of elliptical canopies compared to rectangular canopies of the same size and material:
- flatter glide for same airspeed
- faster turns
- greater loss of altitude in a turn
- may continue to dive after stopping control input following a turn
- slower, less predictable opening (some models)
- shorter toggle stroke for flare (some models)
- quicker, more abrupt stall (some models)
The stall speed of any wing increases as the wing loading increases due to more suspended weight. Sudden maneuvers, such as flaring hard after a dive, can increase the stall speed, as well.
Jumpers should approach changing their canopy’s design with as much caution as downsizing. They should learn whether the canopy’s design elements match their overall expectations, goals and experience level. Many design elements drastically change the flight characteristics, stability, and overall level of performance of a parachute.
Jumpers should explore only one new design element at a time and separate it from downsizing; that is, change only one design characteristic while staying at the same square footage. These elements include tapered or elliptical planform (degree of taper or ellipse varies according to design), cross-bracing or other airfoil-flattening or stiffening design modifications, and anything requiring additional in-flight procedures (for example, a removable pilot chute, deployment bag, or slider).
Downsizing Progression
Each progressive step in downsizing, technique, and canopy design should be a conscious decision based on common sense, experience level, and demonstrated ability, rather than considered a routine part of a skydiver’s progression. Downsizing decisions must be based on each individual jumper’s readiness; however, the following are downsizing increments that are generally acceptable on the same canopy design.
- above 230 square feet, 20 to 30 square feet
- from 229 to 150 square feet, 20 square feet or less
- from 149 to 120 square feet, 15 square feet or less
- below 120 square feet, in smaller increments
Considerations Before Changing or Downsizing Canopies
How do you know whether you are ready to downsize? Consider the following:
- Change planform (type of canopy) or size, not both
- Downsize one size at a time
- Take a canopy class to master your current parachute
- Consider competency and currency rather than only jump numbers
Proficiency Exercises
On your current canopy, can you reliably perform the following exercises to the satisfaction of the S&TA or DZO?
In-Air Exercises – Perform Above 2,000 Feet
Guidance for these canopy drills can be found in Chapter 1, Category E, and in the USPA Library online modules.
- Rear-riser turns and slow flight
- 90-degree braked turns with braked flares
- Toggle and rear-riser stalls and recovery
- Flight cycle and how to prevent one
- Harness turns and flare turns
- Low-turn recovery with braked flares
Landing Exercises – (Practice in a Canopy Course)
- Reliable stand-up landings in no wind and crosswind.
- Reliable stand-up landings within 30 feet of a target in different wind conditions.
- Full-glide landing approach.
- Flare turns on final (no more than 45 degrees).
Other Considerations Before Downsizing
Have you been jumping your current canopy recently or have you had a layoff? Do you feel you have mastered your parachute? Do you feel confident landing off? If you have any doubt, make 50 to 100 more jumps on your current canopy before downsizing. There is no penalty for waiting!
Considerations When Changing or Downsizing Canopies
You have your new-to-you canopy and are ready to make your first jump. Items to consider when learning about your new canopy include:
- Inspect used canopy for wear
- Are steering lines the correct length?
- Does the canopy require a staged or a continuous flare?
- Read the owner’s manual.
- Flight characteristics and landing techniques will be different. Plan on dedicating several hop-and-pops to learning about your canopy and practicing canopy-flight emergency procedures (CEPs).
In-Air Exercises – Perform Above 2,000 Feet
First Jump:
- Find stall point with toggles.
- If stall point is above a full flare, focus on practice flares to find stall point to avoid a stall on landing
Subsequent Jumps:
- Find the sweet spot for the best flare
- Maximum glide/minimum descent
Canopy-flight emergency procedures
- Rear-Riser Turns
- 90-Degree Braked Turns
- Half-Braked Flares
- Turn Reversals—Max Rate of Turn
- Low-Turn Recovery
Landing Exercises
- Full-glide landing pattern and approach
- Braked pattern and full-glide final approach
- Accuracy practice
Considerations After Changing or Downsizing for Long-Term Proficiency
Staying proficient on your canopy is your best defense against injury when forced to deal with a canopy-flight emergency. You should practice the following five canopy-flight emergency procedures at least once a month on hop-and-pop or high-pull jumps so you can use them quickly and correctly when needed. Stay alive, practice five!
- Rear-Riser Turns
- 90-Degree Braked Turns
- Half-Braked Flares
- Turn Reversals—Max Rate of Turn
- Low-Turn Recovery
Practicing canopy-flight emergency procedures (CEPs) is just as important as practicing malfunction emergency procedures, and you should practice them regularly. Maintain traffic, altitude, and position awareness under canopy while practicing so a simulated emergency does not turn into a real emergency.
The USPA Downsizing Best Practices printable checklist is available at uspa.org/downsize or with this QR code. It includes all the information discussed in this section and provides a valuable guide for S&TAs, canopy coaches and jumpers themselves to prepare for and assess readiness to downsize or change canopy designs.
High-Performance Maneuvers
High-performance maneuvers occur when jumpers use control manipulation during descent and on the final landing approach to induce speeds greater than stabilized full flight, i.e., their natural speed and glide angle. This activity is commonly known as swooping. These types of landings are demanding and unforgiving and require careful supervision, practice, and planning.
A jumper’s experience, canopy size and canopy design determine which techniques might be considered conservative or high performance. Canopy-flight characteristics and control become more challenging as field elevation, temperature, and humidity increase. For safety, jumpers should receive specialized information and training to fly canopies at wing loadings approaching 1.5 pounds per square foot and beyond or canopies approaching 120 square feet or smaller. The decision to progress to high-performance canopy maneuvers and parachutes should include focused canopy coaching and continued consultation with a canopy coach to help the jumper assess readiness and skill level. Neglecting to undertake such training greatly increases the canopy pilot’s risk of serious injury or death. Most successful high-performance canopy pilots have practiced extensively and taken multiple canopy courses with larger canopies before experimenting with higher wing loadings and high-performance maneuvers.
High-Performance Landing Areas
Jumpers must perform high-performance landings using strategies to avoid collisions with other jumpers who are on a standard approach and be prepared to abort a high-performance landing maneuver if traffic exists. According to the USPA Group Member Pledge, drop zones must establish landing procedures that will include separation of high-performance and normal landing areas; such separation may be by location or time. Jumpers can achieve separation from others in the following ways:
- Make a high-pull jump: Canopy pilots must consider other high-opening jumpers (students, tandems, and others) and look for traffic during the descent.
- Perform a hop-and-pop: Canopy pilots exiting on a lower pass must fly to the holding area to clear the airspace for jumpers going to full altitude.
- Use a separate landing area: High-performance and standard landing procedures should be prominently displayed and communicated to all jumpers.
You must never attempt a high-performance landing with a turn of more than 90 degrees when other jumpers are landing using a standard landing pattern in the same area.
Canopy pilots should be completely familiar with all techniques and characteristics of advanced landings in a variety of weather conditions and using a variety of approaches before landing in the vicinity of any hazard, including water, as well as before attempting flight into a competition-style course.
To get the most from the topics presented in this outline, a jumper should have completed all the exercises listed under “Canopy” in SIM Chapter 1, Categories A-H of the ISP, and hold a USPA A license. Jumpers who complete a course of instruction covering the topics listed here, including evaluation jumps and continued practice, should be better prepared to make choices regarding parachute size, design and maneuvers.
Instructor or Course Director Qualifications
USPA does not issue instructional ratings specifically for canopy coaching. Ideally, those who intend to teach a canopy-piloting course should hold a USPA Instructor rating; however, in some situations the person most qualified to teach this material may not hold any USPA instructional ratings but may have extensive knowledge about canopy control and landings. Regardless, for USPA B-License requirements, an S&TA must approve the instructor or course director and sign the B-License Canopy Proficiency Card once the jumper completes the course.
Instructors who intend to teach this material must realistically assess their level of knowledge regarding canopy flight and instruction. Before teaching this course, instructors must work through the outlined canopy skills using a variety of canopy designs and wing loadings. Attending any one of several commercially available canopy-flight schools as a student is highly recommended before teaching this course.
B-License Requirements
Every USPA B-License Application, paper or online, must also include a completed, verified B-License Canopy Proficiency Card. The B-license canopy training requires a minimum of five training jumps that may be completed in a structured course with all jumps completed in succession or individually, working one-on-one with an approved canopy coach. Some skills may require more than one jump to gain proficiency. The instructor or course director responsible for supervision, training and evaluation of the jump must sign each of the training jumps listed on the B-License Canopy Proficiency Card. A current S&TA, Examiner, or board member must verify the completed card to confirm that the candidate has satisfactorily completed the training.
The course director or instructor will evaluate each candidate’s participation, understanding, and demonstrated ability during the ground school and training jumps. The instructor or course director will debrief each skill, approach and landing. Attendees should be better able to self-assess their canopy aptitude and proficiency during future practice based on their experience with the supervised training maneuvers. The course director should sign and date the entries on the B-License Canopy Proficiency Card as jumpers successfully complete the required skills.
B-License Canopy Ground School Outline
Part 1: Equipment
A. Equipment choice considerations
Studies of USPA’s serious-injury and fatality summaries reveal that jumpers under canopies popularly considered “average sized” or “conservatively loaded” frequently mishandle them in non-routine landing situations.
Jumpers should:
- select equipment based on their goals and abilities, understanding that smaller canopies offer some advantages but also pose greater risks.
- should follow the guidance of the Downsizing Best Practices form to assess skill and readiness to change canopies.
- seek out reliable information and advice before changing to smaller canopies.
The sport of skydiving includes a series of specialized activities that require exclusive equipment, for example:
- classic accuracy
- canopy formation
- wingsuit flying
- camera flying
- high-performance landings
- competition canopy piloting
All jumpers should set goals in the sport, choose the best equipment to meet their needs, learn how to use that equipment, and skydive within the limits of their equipment and capabilities.
B. Basic aerodynamics
- Air passing over an airfoil creates a force called lift.
- Lift is always perpendicular to the velocity.
- A ram-air parachute is trimmed nose-down by cutting the A lines shorter and each group behind them a little longer.
- The resistance created by air as an object moves is called drag.
- Drag is always parallel to the velocity.
- The lines, pilot chute, slider, jumper’s body, and even the surface of the canopy itself produce drag (parasitic drag).
- Gravity is a constant in the equation of forces acting on the jumper and canopy.
- Using the force created by gravity, the airfoil deflects the air to make the canopy glide.
Momentum (force)
- Mass: Doubling the mass of a moving object gives it twice as much energy.
- The term “speed” refers to the magnitude of velocity.
- Energy increases as the square of the speed. (Doubling the speed produces four times the energy. Tripling the speed produces nine times the energy.)
- Inertia: The term “inertia” means that an object in motion will stay in motion until resisted.
C. Wing loading
Wing loading is the jumper’s exit weight divided by the area of the parachute canopy, expressed in the U.S. in pounds per square foot. The higher the wing loading, the faster and higher performance the canopy will be. However, even if the wing loading is the same between two otherwise identical parachutes, the size of the canopies affects the performance characteristics. A 150-square-foot parachute at a one-pound-per-square-foot wing loading will have a steeper glide ratio, faster turns, and be more high performance than a 190-square-foot parachute at the same wing loading. This means that, regardless of the wing loading, all small canopies (150 square feet or less) are high performance.
- Smaller canopies with shorter lines will respond differently than larger canopies of the same design and equal wing loading.
- Compared to a canopy with longer lines, a shorter-lined canopy will have quicker turns, quicker flare response, and quicker pendulum action (quicker to dive after an early flare).
- Lighter jumpers will remain on larger parachutes at lower wing loadings for a longer period of time.
- Most jumpers can get a lot more performance from their canopies without needing to increase their wing loading with a downsize.
D. Performance-enhancing designs
Tapered shape (planform)
- more dimensional stability (less distortion)
- faster forward speed due to decreased drag
- faster turns and less flight stability
High aspect ratio
- flat glide
easier flare
- lighter toggle pressure
- shorter toggle stroke (some models)
- quicker flare response
Higher rib frequency to reduce billowing between ribs
- seven-cell vs. nine-cell
- cross bracing
Thickness (after inflation)
- thicker: slow speed, more predictable and gentler stall
- thinner: faster speed, more abrupt stalls at a higher speed
E. Drag reduction
- Zero-porosity fabric
- Small-diameter lines
- Collapsible pilot chute
Collapsible slider:
- cloth or metal links with covers
- larger vs. smaller slider grommets
- Risers
- Outerwear
- Removable deployment systems
- Body position
F. Controls: toggles and beyond
- toggle types for ease of handling
- steering-line length to allow front-riser maneuvers (toggles in hand)
- Front risers and control-enhancement discussion (loops, blocks, etc.)
- Back risers and how they work
- Front risers and how they work
- Harness turns
G. Accessories
- Jumpsuit (reinforced butt and knees)
- Hard helmet
- Gloves, pros and cons
- altimeter use under canopy
- digital vs. analog
- Weights
H. Speed
- The pilot perceives the forward speed more than the downward speed, so a faster canopy can seem a lot scarier to fly.
- The faster the canopy goes, the more effect adding drag (by using a control) will have on the flight path.
I. Glide
- Skydiving canopies: approximately 2.5:1 in natural flight
Changing the glide
- using brakes or rear risers
- using induced speed to temporarily add lift
Part 2: Maintenance
A. Environment
- Dirt degrades fabric, lines, and slider.
Ultraviolet degrades nylon.
- sunlight
- fluorescent lighting (50% of the strength of sunlight)
- Water distorts reinforcement tapes.
B. Collapsible pilot chute and slider
- Wear results from friction as the line moves through its channel.
- Pilot chute centerlines shrink with use.
C. Suspension lines
- Spectra can’t stretch, and it shrinks with a lot of use.
- Vectran is stable in both directions but abrades.
- HMA is stable but can break when it still looks new.
- Dacron stretches on opening, is stable and durable, but larger.
D. Brake lines
- Wear
- Shrinkage
Dangers of a broken line
- upon flaring
- of landing a smaller canopy using risers
E. Packing
- On-heading opening
- Even risers
- Symmetrical bag
- Line-stow placement and tension
- 24 inches of unstowed line to allow the bag to lift out of the burble over the jumpers back
F. Equipment inspection
- Pre-jump
- During packing (various times throughout the course)
Part 3: Breakoff, Opening, Separation, and Canopy Traffic
A. Breakoff
- Breakoff altitude should allow enough time to open clear of others and handle both routine and abnormal circumstances.
Tracking review
- conserving altitude during turning and tracking
- body position and flat-track technique
- opening when clear at the optimum altitude
Flying through and managing the opening
- shoulders level (use this time to look at the horizon)
- allow legs to move forward during opening, like sitting in a chair, keeping hips level to avoid harness inputs during opening.
- knees-up position helps to stop the swing going to the hips and absorbs the shock in the event of a hard opening.
- If turning occurs during opening, use the harness to stop the turn.
- Keep your head looking forward at the horizon to avoid accidental harness input during the opening.
- Have your hands on your rear risers as soon as they are available immediately after deployment to steer for collision avoidance, even if you believe you have jumped alone.
- Look forward for any jumpers opening nearby who may be coming toward you. Be prepared to turn right, unless you obviously need to turn left, with rear risers to avoid a collision.
Once confirming that you’re clear of other jumpers, continue using the rear risers with the brakes set (if responding correctly) to orient toward the drop zone or holding area prior to releasing brakes and completing the canopy-controllability check.

Dealing with a standard problem is more difficult as canopy performance increases.
Discuss the following from the perspective of higher-performance canopies:
- line twists
- premature brake release
- locked brake(s)
- slider/brake system fouling
Spinning under a smaller canopy results in rapid altitude loss. Check altitude and if above the 1,000-foot cutaway hard deck,
don’t delay, cut away!
B. Traffic
- As canopies fly faster, jumpers must pay better attention to other canopy traffic on descent.
Altitude management
use of brakes to stay aloft
relative wing loading
- self-assessment
- knowing the wing loading of others
- placement in the aircraft
- a dive plan, such as stacked approaches, to promote vertical separation under canopy
Awareness of others
- Know or judge others’ canopies, wing loading, and habits.
- Fly the landing pattern or land elsewhere.
- Fly a straight final approach avoiding S-turns.
Dealing with others’ errors:
- In the event of a traffic issue, discuss the problem with the canopy pilots who were involved.
- canopy wake turbulence, which is behind and above the canopy in flight (yours and others’)
- only need to miss by a little—no low turns necessary
Off-wind landings (technique)
Landing away from the crowd
- less pressure; room to practice
- familiarity and consistency with using the same landing area every time
Situations that pop up:
- Crowded landing area: Follow someone you trust closely and let them know you’re there.
- Cutaways disrupt the plan for a normal main-canopy descent and landing
- Landing accidents on the ground can lead to confusion and chaos.
Off-field landing
- Plan and follow a sensible pattern.
- Keep your eyes open.
- Follow the landing priorities and perform a PLF.
B-License Canopy Proficiency Card Exercises
A. Flight Plan
The course director should assist the class with an aircraft, canopy flight, and landing plan prior to each jump included in the course. The plan should include an individualized progression plan for each student according to experience and goals. The plan should consider wind conditions, DZ layout and target areas, traffic management to keep clear of other jumpers not participating, and landing separation between canopy students. The course director should videotape landings for debriefing. The first jump in the course should follow the presentation and discussion of the ground-school topics.
B. Canopy Skill Practice Jumps
Classroom Briefing
- Discuss collapsing slider and loosening chest strap
Inspecting the canopy’s steering lines while in full flight with the brakes released.
- steering lines on most canopies should bow slightly behind the back of the canopy
- check with the manufacturer for recommendations for adjustments
- steering lines should have enough slack so that the jumper can pull the front risers with the toggles in hand and still not deflect the tail of the canopy.
- A parachute rigger should adjust the length of the steering lines, if necessary, before the next jump.
Reasons for flying in brakes
- vertical separation from canopy traffic
- slow forward speed and descent rate to conserve altitude
- returning from a long spot
- flat turn as a Canopy-Flight Emergency Procedure at low altitudes
Avoid stalling the canopy.
- effect of brakes on glide
- slower forward speed
- lower descent rate
Change in glide angle:
- experiment to determine the change in glide path at different degrees of braked flight
- Most modern nine-cell canopies fly flatter when a slight amount of brakes are applied.
Methods for initiating braked turns
Pull both toggles to the quarter-braked position (ears).
- Pull one toggle down to turn.
- Pull both toggles to half-braked position (mid chest).
- Pull one toggle down slightly to initiate a turn in the same direction.
Flaring Techniques
- On final approach in natural flight, your body is below the center of the canopy.
- During initial flare using toggles or rear risers, the canopy rocks slightly behind the jumper, raising the nose in relation to the tail and temporarily increasing lift.
- Gradually pulling the toggles farther down adds drag on the tail, keeping the canopy at the correct angle and providing the most lift for the remainder of the flare.
- The most effective flare technique varies by canopy type.
Practice an effective flaring technique, focusing on a smooth finish.
- Make a straight-in approach facing into the wind, with minimal input for the last 10 seconds before the landing flare.
- Focus on flying your canopy as long as possible before allowing your feet to touch the ground and finish the flare completely even after your feet first touch the ground.
- Finish the flare and hold hands down for a few steps after touch down.
Under Canopy
- Collapse slider and loosen chest strap.
- Inspect the canopy’s steering lines while in full flight, with the brakes released.
- Practice flare technique based on the canopy type.
Braked turns
- Practice braked turns using all the methods discussed.
Pattern and landing
- Choose a target for landing. A safe, soft landing from a straight-in approach is the priority regardless of accuracy.
- Perform a straight-in approach in full flight, with minimal input for the last 10 seconds before starting your normal flare technique.
Classroom Briefing
Flight Cycle
- A flight cycle occurs after any input as the canopy responds and then returns to stabilized full flight.
- More drastic input equals a bigger flight cycle or surge, where the canopy picks up speed and is moving faster than when in full flight.
- While turning or flaring your parachute, your body's location in relation to the canopy changes, creating a flight cycle.
- In a turn, momentum swings your body out from under the canopy.
- During the flight cycle, your body begins to swing back under the canopy.
- Recovery from a flight cycle should take 4 to 8 seconds, depending on the canopy.
- Prevent a flight cycle by raising the toggles slowly, preventing the nose from pitching forward, surging and picking up speed.
Flaring from a braked position
- Expect a different glide on a braked final approach.
- Expect a shorter and quicker stroke needed for an effective flare.
- Prepare for a PLF due to potentially harder landing.
Crosswind landings
- Fly a landing pattern that allows for a crosswind final approach and landing.
- For training and familiarization, perform the crosswind landing only in winds up to 5 miles per hour.
- All jumpers on the same pass must use the same landing pattern to promote a smooth flow of traffic.
- On final approach, focus on crosswind correction necessary to prevent crabbing.
- A crosswind landing may require pulling the upwind toggle deeper than the downwind toggle to keep going in the same direction and reduce the ground speed upon landing. Performing an uneven flare in this manner increases the stall speed of the canopy. A PLF is recommended for any unusual landing.
Under Canopy
Flight Cycle—Do all flight-cycle exercises above your decision altitude.
- Flare the canopy to three-quarter brakes and hold for 5 seconds. Let the toggles up quickly to induce the flight cycle.
- Repeat the exercise and count the number of seconds to recover to full flight.
- Repeat the exercise but slowly raise the toggles over 3 to 4 seconds to prevent the flight cycle.
Braked Flares
- Practice flaring several times from the quarter and half-braked positions, focusing on an effective flare from each position.
Crosswind landing
- Choose a target for landing and execute a crosswind-oriented downwind, base, and final approach.
Classroom Briefing
- A stall is an aerodynamic event where a wing loses its ability to produce lift. When a ram-air parachute stalls, it will lose lift and pressurization and will no longer support the weight of the jumper. For this reason, perform stalls carefully and always above decision altitude.
- A stall can occur as the result of either too much or too abrupt input with the toggles or the rear risers. Applying too much input is associated with a slow-speed stall, where the canopy loses airspeed and will eventually stall. Applying input too abruptly is associated with a higher-
- speed stall, where the stall will occur more suddenly and at a higher airspeed.
Toggle stalls
- Intentionally stalling with toggles begins with straight-and-level flight. Slowly pull the toggles down to full arm extension until you feel the stall onset, a feeling like rocking back in a chair and falling backward.
- The ideal stall point using toggles is down at full arm extension, with the stall occurring after holding the toggles there for 5 to 6 seconds. The exact toggle position will differ from canopy to canopy and from jumper to jumper based on the length of the steering lines.
- You must find the stall point on any canopy that you are jumping for the first time. If the steering lines were adjusted for a person with shorter arms, you may be able to stall the canopy at something less than full arm extension, which risks a stall close to the ground during a normal landing flare.
- Once you feel the onset of the stall, you can hold the toggles and allow the stall to fully develop. The air will leave the canopy, it will fold into the shape of a bow tie, and you will begin descending at a high rate of speed.
- Use the same procedure whether recovering from the onset of a stall or a fully developed stall: slowly raise the toggles back up to a position where the canopy inflates and returns to normal flight.
- Avoid raising the toggles too quickly to recover, which can cause the canopy to surge, dive, or spin into line twists. A forward surge can be severe enough that the jumper gets tangled in the suspension lines, and some line twists can be severe and unrecoverable. Practice stalls carefully and always above your decision altitude.
Rear-riser stalls
- The same concepts and guidelines as stalling with toggles apply to rear-riser stalls, but rear-riser stalls change the shape of the parachute by affecting the C and D lines (the back half of your canopy).
- When stalling using rear risers, the stroke is only 5-6 inches as compared to the long control stroke when stalling with toggles. The shorter stroke makes it more difficult to gently approach the stall point and easier to over-control the rear risers, potentially stalling your parachute accidentally.
- Rear riser stalls commence more suddenly than toggle stalls but recovering from them is easier and smoother.
- Once you feel the stall's onset, hold the risers and let it fully develop. The back of the parachute will distort, taking the shape of a hot dog bun.
- Slowly let your rear risers up to recover from the stall.
High-speed stalls
- Stalls can occur at higher airspeeds, such as when the canopy is in a turn or a dive.
- At higher airspeeds, adding too much input with risers or toggles or adding input too abruptly can cause the canopy to stall. These high-speed stalls will happen quickly and less predictably than the low-speed stalls, making them much more dangerous. You should avoid doing them intentionally.
- The best way to avoid high-speed stalls is to understand the limits of your canopy when flying at higher airspeeds. Practice the input limits of your canopy above your decision altitude.
Under Canopy
Stall-practice procedure—perform above decision altitude
Stall using toggles
- Gently apply brakes to a point where forward flight diminishes and the canopy begins to sink.
- Hold the brakes down until the canopy is shaped like a bow tie.
- Slowly raise the toggles 4 to 6 inches at a time until resuming forward flight.
Stall using rear risers
- Grab high on the riser with full arm extension, keeping toggles in your hands.
- Slowly pull down the rear risers several inches until forward flight stops.
- After adding more riser input, the canopy will eventually sink and begin to descend in a backward direction, taking the shape of a hot dog bun.
- Let the risers up slowly to recover to forward flight.
Three-quarter-braked turns
- Pull both toggles to the three-quarter-braked position (hip bones).
- Let one toggle up slightly to initiate a turn in the opposite direction.
- Choose a target for landing and execute a downwind, base, and final approach into the wind.
Classroom Briefing
Rear-riser turns and flares
- On opening, using rear risers is the quickest way to turn the parachute.
- You can use rear-riser turns to turn toward your holding area right after opening or quickly turn away from another jumper to avoid a collision.
- Steer with rear risers for flatter turns to conserve altitude.
- Pull down one to two inches, smoothly and symmetrically, with both rear risers to flatten the glide when flying in a crosswind or headwind.
- Practice with your rear risers to avoid over-controlling (using too great of an input).
- Landing using rear risers instead of toggles requires practice to avoid stalling close to the ground.
Under Canopy
Rear-riser turns with brakes stowed:
- Grab high on the riser with full arm extension.
- Initiate alternating 90-degree turns using rear risers.
Rear-riser turns with brakes unstowed, keeping toggles in your hands:
- Grab high on the riser with full arm extension.
- Initiate alternating 90-degree turns using rear risers.
Rear-riser flares with brakes unstowed, keeping toggles in your hands:
- Practice rear-riser flares without stalling the canopy.
- Fly the canopy descent using rear risers.
- Choose a target for landing and execute the turns onto the downwind, base, and final legs with the rear risers.
- Take your hands off the rear risers by 150 feet AGL and land into the wind using your toggles.
Classroom Briefing
Return from a long spot by projecting the landing point.
- Discover how to locate the point on the ground that a parachute in full flight will reach.
Alter the glide using brakes and rear risers.
- Use brakes with a tailwind.
- Use rear risers with a crosswind or headwind.
- Minimize drag.
- Collapse the slider.
- Pull legs up, arms in, and arch to reduce air resistance.
- Loosen the chest strap to improve glide.
- If holding brakes, reduce fatigue by hooking your thumbs in the harness. (Be careful not to hook onto your cutaway or reserve handles.)
- Decide on a new landing area by 2,000 feet.
- Choose an alternate landing area if necessary and follow off-field landing recommendations.
- Allow enough altitude to fly a pattern.
- Expect the winds to weaken as you get lower.
Under Canopy
- Exit the aircraft at 5,000 feet AGL at least 1.5 miles upwind of the main landing area.
- Determine the glide path of the canopy and the landing point using the projected landing point. Determine the point on the ground that is neither rising nor sinking in your field of vision.
Alter the glide and compare effectiveness:
- using brakes
- using rear risers
- If you cannot reach the intended landing area in time to start a pattern at the planned altitude, choose an alternate by 2,000 feet AGL.
- Choose a target for landing, and execute a downwind, base, and final-approach leg for landing, following the landing priorities.