United States Parachute Association > Experienced Skydivers > SIM > Skydive School > CAT B Intro

Category B

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  • one jump


  • three jumps


  • two jumps


  • AFF: 4,500 feet
  • IAD and static line: 3,500 feet
  • Tandem: 5,500 feet

In Category B, you learn to become more comfortable in the skydiving environment.
• AFF and tandem students perform leg awareness exercises to improve control and also may perform assisted turns (if trained) in preparation for heading maintenance in Category C and controlled turns in Category D.
• Static-line and IAD students get introduced to the self-deployment device and practice mock deployments after exit.
• Tandem students take a more active role in the exit, leading the count and presenting their bodies correctly to the wind. Each tandem student should hold a correct body position until establishing stability and then maintain it throughout the freefall.

Training in this category reviews and expands your understanding of the canopy landing pattern and the airport environment, with attention to avoiding aircraft on or approaching the runways. You help with pre-flight planning and the use of the written flight plan, including opening point, the projected wind line, and the landing pattern. Also, you learn to use the runway as a reference for direction and distance when observing the drop zone from the aircraft or under canopy.

For AFF, IAD, and static-line students, emergency review emphasizes topics from the first-jump course on parachute malfunctions. Tandem students will also learn and practice parachute malfunction procedures before advancing from this category to solo freefall.

In Category B, you become more responsible for your equipment, particularly while moving around and inside the aircraft. Study topics introduce USPA Basic Safety Requirements for student jumps.

To advance, AFF and tandem students should monitor altitude and deploy at the correct altitude without prompting from the instructor. IAD and static-line students must complete three successive, stable practice deployments.

Instructor: Transition Protocol

Crossover students to harness hold who have completed Category A in the tandem program must complete the harness-hold first-jump course before making AFF jumps in Category B.

Crossover students to AFF who have completed Category A in the IAD or static-line program will need additional training on the climbout, set-up, and count; AFF freefall communications; use of the altimeter in freefall; and use of the main parachute deployment device, including deployment device malfunctions and premature container opening.

Crossover students to tandem who have completed Category A in the solo jumping programs will need to complete any additional required paperwork and understand their responsibility to check the tandem system hook-ups before exit, as well as any special landing procedures.

Crossover students to IAD or static line who have completed Category A in another solo training method will need training in their main deployment system and its specific emergency procedures.

Category A students crossing over to IAD or static line from the tandem program will need to complete the solo first-jump course before making IAD or static-line jumps in Category B.